Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Im sooo glad you all like my blog

Im sooo glad you all like my blog. Give me any tips if you have any.


  1. My tip for you is to blog about whatever is important to you. Write stories and tell us what you have been doing at school or at home.
    My biggest tip for you though is to HAVE FUN!

    I love you Doris, love from Mummy xxx

  2. Ok thanks for the tip ill use it I love you 2

  3. I'm not very good at keeping my blogging so my tips probably won't be helpful!

    I just use it as a place to put down what I'm thinking or what I've been up to.

    I'm with your Mum - just have fun!


  4. This is the first blog I've read. Its very exciting. I agree ...its all about having fun.

  5. i am on your blog
